Monday, September 7, 2009

Bastrop Beer and Gun Club Notice of Meeting

Since no one, and I mean no one has replied to my post regarding the suggestion of forming the Bastrop Beer and Gun Club, I have taken it upon myself this evening to go downtown to a drinking establishment and hold the organizational meeting. By myself.

After I introduce myself to myself, I'll pay my voluntary non-mandatory dues of $20 and then elect myself as interim President of the Bastrop Beer and Gun Club. My first official act will be to buy myself a celebratory cocktail, and I'll agree as president to handle the duties of treasurer until one can be elected or appointed. I'll leave the offices of vice president, sergeant-at-arms and social director vacant until I can dupe, er I mean, convince some other kindred souls into forming this loose social organization.

There may be recruiting going on this evening, depending upon who has it in them to be out on a worknight after an extended holiday weekend. But I'll be ever vigilant, rest assured, in my efforts to find the finest and the funniest Bastropians to join this august fraternity.


  1. Sign me up, Bubba!

  2. Alright, you're in. Yipee! It's officially a club instead of a fantasy. By the way, I came home early last night, so there's still money left in the treasury.

    Now let's recruit some more members. We could have a FUN club here!

    Thanks for your support, 2ndrowsista

  3. I am sorry that only today I found this post. Actually my wife found it and sent it to me. If you're still taking applications I need to sign up.

  4. Alas John, I've neglected this fine organization but I'll get it back on track after the Halloween festivities and do some more posting before deer season starts.

    Thanks for writing!

    Mr. Bastrop Bad Hair
